- Our littlest had cause for celebration [ha!] this week when her celebrations advent had three days of consecutive Bounty’s as the variable reward! This was so much news that it made the national news.
- This made me question the manufacturing processes of celebration advent calendars? Surely it’s more feasible to have a pipe of random celebrations, randomly filling advent calendars so no advent was the same. Thinking about it futher, then they’d almost definitely be points where they filled an advent calendar with 100% Bounty’s and that would probably increase your customer service costs.
- The eldest’s Christmas violin recital was much less ear-jarring than expected.
- From somewhere the eldest has got it into her head that she needs to trap santa this year. This culminated in her devising some “Booby traps” and balancing a shoe on a part-closed door… ending with a family guest opening a door and getting a shoe to their head.
- Lego Movie 2 on the TV with the family while Storm Dara blew itself out. There’s plenty of cleanup to be done on the street. The for sale sign over the road has blown directly across the path to the door. In our back garden, the summer umbrella has collapsed over the Jasmine.