- Lachie and I did the cyclocross race. I blew up three laps in and my lap times tumbled. I finished 31st of 35. I did a better first few laps than the year before and felt on top and very good, but then my lack of cardio stopped me maintaining that feeling. And then I started feeling like I was dying and by the last lap I didn’t want to ride anymore but managed to get around and that was probably a good thing. Next year, less practice laps.
- This weeks weeknotes is not about paving slabs.
- I ordered 8 single bananas on the weekly shop and when It got delivered I’d managed to select 8 packs of 6 bananas. You would think that there should be a feature on the Tesco app that stops this ridiculous behaviour, but then you think about the problematic backdrop of capitalism and that they don’t care about the amount of bananas we now have to use.
- At one point this week I became a two-banana-a-day guy.
- Now it seems like bananas are the answer to everything, hungry? Banana. Grumpy? Banana.
- I ran at the weekend with the Busuu Running crew, BusuuActive. Our first extra-curricular meetup. We’ll probably do more, but this one was terrible. Hackney marshes parkrun was busy and muddy and a slippy ordeal for all of us. At one point a large runner slipped and kicked a very small boy runner. Both of those runners were faster than me.
- And now I have shin splints.
- We always go to Weald park to meet the kids’ Essex-based cousins. It’s a good day out and this weekend we went again. They have this wild forest bit where everyone makes dens and I hefted huge logs around and made the kids join in and it seemed like they all had fun. This is the stuff I do while Liz does the talky bit and actually finds out about what’s going on in their lives.
- Weald parks cafe has had years of google reviews which complain that said cafe closes before the google verified closing times.