- Late week notes, no regrets, less edited, more fun?
- Back to school week shocker; Our eldest was helpful without prompting. She got her little sisters stuff ready and we set off for school like we were The Flanderses.
- Went to bed late and with the crisp sky and the open skylight I washed some plates up in the moonlight. Soul washing.
- Bike rides in a circle with some good friends. Circle included swaines lane. Lots of up. Good friends make riding hills easier.
- Did some babysitting for a friends kid (Hi Helen and Chris!) and managed some role play of PJ masks without hating myself. Super fun.
- Sunday I stayed at home almost the whole day and completed a wide range of odd jobs;
- Cleaned out the spice drawer which was covered in a layer of ground cumin, cloves, dried oregano and for some reason is also our first aid drawer, so mixed up with plasters and calpol.
- Fixed the door handle so the youngest can open the downstairs door and no longer needs us to open it for her when she goes for a wee.
- Tidyied and re-organised the ‘fixings’, ‘paint, random stuff and tool drawers and the bags, there should be a place for everything.